September 20, 2018 |

Author: Ben Smith |

What The Current Tariffs Mean for Manufacturing in the USA

What The Current Tariffs Mean for Manufacturing in the USA

In recent months, the USA has been implementing new tariffs on plastics to promote a policy of “America First.” The theory is to increase import taxes on foreign products to encourage and promote manufacturing in the USA.

An increased usage of American plastic manufacturing companies should drive more jobs in the USA. This means less business for competing suppliers in foreign markets such as China and Europe.

Tariff Timeline Review

In case you missed it, we’ve provided a brief overview on the recent changes below.

July 2018 – In response to Beijing’s June 2018 tariffs on $50 billion in U.S. exports, in July 2018, the U.S. imposed a 25% tariff on $34 billion worth of imported Chinese products and goods. Although it first began as an attempt to balance trade for steel products, the new tariff has evolved to include a wide-range list of goods including plastics machinery and molds.

August 2018 – In August 2018, the U.S. announced an additional 25% tariff on imports of more than $16 billion of products from China. This group includes approximately 150 plastic products used in manufacturing, such as base plastic resins and polymers, plastic film and sheet and more.

September 2018 – In September 2018, the U.S. proposed a third round of US-China tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese products. The tariffs are to take effect on Sept. 24 and will be set at a rate of 10 percent initially, increasing to 25 percent on Jan. 1, 2019.

Manufacturing in the USA is Starting to Make Even More Sense

While controversial, these tariffs were put in place to put manufacturers in the United States at an advantage, making American-made products more attractive for consumers.

Here are just a few ways that the tariffs can benefit consumers who choose suppliers and manufacturing in the USA.

  1. Higher standard for safety.
  2. Better quality control and standards for products.
  3. Top customer service benefits.
  4. Reduced cost for deliveries.
  5. Shorter lead times.
  6. Environmentally-friendly.
  7. Peace of mind using an American manufacturer, especially in this uncertain time.
  8. As labor prices increase overseas, manufacturing in the US is becoming more competitive and cost-effective.

As all of these tariffs and changes are just rolling out now, the long term effects are still unclear. However, proactive brands will certainly benefit from finding an American supply partner before goods manufactured abroad become too expensive for consumers.

Flexcraft Manufacturing in the USA

The effects of the new U.S. plastic tariffs are widespread, touching aspects of our entire economy. As an ISO 9001:2015 Certified plastics manufacturer located in the USA, Flexcraft continues to stay on the forefront with information regarding this rapidly changing situation. As always, our number-one priority is to provide only the highest quality service for our clients.

For more information about the recent tariffs, or to learn about our products, please contact us directly at 732-502-9500 today.


Made In USA
Manufacturing In The USA
Manufacturing Tariffs
Quality Control
USA Manufacturing