October 20, 2018 |

Author: Ben Smith |

Flexcraft Uses Integrated Systems for Manufacturing Efficiencies, Quality Control and More

Flexcraft Uses Integrated Systems for Manufacturing Efficiencies, Quality Control and More

At Flexcraft, we employ integrated systems for manufacturing to monitor consistent quality control and efficiencies. This intelligent setup allows us to constantly measure and analyze critical production data, ensuring that we meet the highest standards for our clients.

One of these features is an advanced software package, called IQMS. Using IQMS, we are able to seamlessly manage all manufacturing activity, including sales, purchasing, scheduling, quality assurance, production monitoring, inventory management, shipping, etc. Widely considered the authority in plastics molding ERP software, IQMS provides us with real-time solutions—solutions that support our growth and help us respond to customer demands.

What are Integrated Systems for Manufacturing?

Integrated systems for manufacturing are essentially a network of connected machinery and equipment that help streamline and automate processes. By working intelligently together, the integrated machines facilitate quality control and best practices. These integrated systems provide a series of checks and balances, assisting manufacturing companies to adhere to today’s increasingly complex regulations, ISO standards and industry best-practices.

State of the Art Integrated Systems Benefit Our Customers

By utilizing the latest technology systems such as IQMS, Flexcraft not only sets itself up for continuous improvement, growth and future efficiencies, but also to improve overall compliance.

Here are just a few benefits of the IQMS integrated systems for plastics manufacturing companies:

  • All machines are networked, enabling real-time performance monitoring. We are able to see up-to-the-minute status updates on orders. This data enables us to proactively adjust production scheduling, track inventory and provide detailed customer updates.
  • Transparent machine performance data provides insight into which jobs and machines run optimally and where there might be room for improvement.
  • Material lot number traceability allows our staff to know exactly what materials are used for specific orders, down to the specific final-packed item.
  • Machine downtime is reduced through instant notification of the appropriate personnel, ensuring the issue is quickly addressed and resolved.

Improving Operations with Integrated Systems for Manufacturing

Incorporating integrated systems into our blow mold and injection molding manufacturing process is just one way Flexcraft uses technology to improve operations for clients. This allows us to produce high value-added products, with less energy and with the greatest efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Read: 5 Reasons to Work with a Molding Company with Internal Capabilities >>

As an ISO 9001:2015 Certified plastics manufacturer, Flexcraft always strives to stay at the forefront of technology and efficiencies. For more information about Flexcraft, please contact us directly at 732-502-9500.


Blow Molding
Integrated Systems
Quality Control